The family
Learn and Practice Polish Vocabulary about the family: Rodzina. In this post we are going to review some family vocabulary: Matka, Ojciec, dziadek, babcia, syn, etc. You will learn the members of the family in Polish in the denominative case. Practice & learn this Polish – Rodzina – vocabulary list. You will soon improve your vocabulary and your understanding of Polish!
Practice the family – flashcard
The family – list
English | English |
Matka Mama to jest moja matka Ja mam matkę Jestem matką | The mother The mom this is my mother I have a mother I am a mother |
The father The dad to jest mój ojciec Mam ojca | Ojciec tata this is my father I have a father |
dziadek to jest mój dziadek Ja mam dziadka | The grandfather this is my grandfather I have a grandfather |
babcia to jest moja babcia My mamy babcię | The grandmother this is my grandmother we have a grandmother |
syn to jest mój syn Ja mam syna | the son this is my son I have a son |
córka to jest moja córka Mam córkę | the daughter this is my daughter I have a daughter |
siostra to jest moja siostra Ty masz siostrę | the sister this is my sister You have a sister |
brat to jest mój brat on ma brata | the brother this is my brother he has a brother |
mąż to jest mój mąż Ona ma męża | the husband this is my husband She has a husband |
żona to jest moja żona On ma żonę | the wife this is my wife He has a wife |
ciotka to jest moja ciotka Ja mam ciotkę | the aunt this is my aunt I have an aunt |
wujek to jest mój wujek Mam wujka | the uncle this is my uncle I have an uncle |