kapsuła 1 In this post “kapsuła 1” we offer you 3 familiar questions to practice a dialogue in Polish. You can use this capsule to interact with a person by asking and answering these 3 simple questions Enjoy! Polish English KAPSULA#1 Co sprawia, że jesteś szczęśliwy? Co sprawia, że jesteś szczęśliwa? Co sprawia że jesteś...
Month: July 2020
Postacie Disney’a
Postacie Disney’a Postacie Disney’a: In this little reading you will learn some descriptions about the disney characters as Mickey, Donald duck, The beautiful and beast,Pinocchio. This reading will help you improve your vocabulary. Enjoy this reading! Postacie Disney’a – POLISH Disney’s characters – ENGLISH Zwierzęta w filmach Disneya noszą ubrania. Na przykład, Myszka Miki nosi...
Gdzie mieszkasz?
Gdzie mieszkasz? Gdzie mieszkasz? means Where do you live? This is a very common question that you ask someone in a small talk. Learn and practice the pronunciation of this question here: Learn and practice the Polish pronunciation of this question here: Practice here some word with Polish “Where do you live?” Use this question...
Jak masz na imie?
Jak masz na imie? Jak masz na imie? means What is your name? There is also another way to ask about your name and it is: Jak się nazywasz? The literal translation is How do you call yourself. This question is the first one that you’re going to ask someone when you meet him or...